Showing posts with label outfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outfit. Show all posts

Sunday, April 10, 2016

April’s Nails Challenge - Match your outfit Nails

Hello darlings,

V-a fost dor de mine?
Astazi m-am intors cu o postare noua pregatita pentru tema April’s Nails Challenge - Match your outfit Nails, o colaborare impreuna cu fetele mele dragi de pe The Polish Addict.

Nici nu va imaginati ce dor imi era sa pregatesc o manichiura special pentru tema de aceasta saptamana. Multe din voi poate nu stiu, dar sunt absolut indragostita de Dream Catchers, asa ca nu puteam sa ratez colaborarea din aceasta saptamana.

Pentru manichiura de astazi, m-am inspirat din mai multe accesorii, am ales 2 tricouri si carcasa telefonului meu. Si inca mai pot adauga la aceasta lista o pereche de cercei, medalioane si bratari.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Complete Your Outfit With These Essential Tips

Hello my sweeties, today I want to try something new, some tips and tricks to complete your outfit.

There are times when I am putting an outfit together that it occurs to me just how important it is to get the look right. While I love my clothes and all fashion, I know that how I dress my hair and face can be just as important as my dress and shoes. Jewelry also needs to play a part to complete the look. Whatever the season, my skin will also give me away if I haven’t been looking after myself as well as I look after my wardrobe collection. So here it is - I give you the best of everything that comes after my clothing:

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spring OOTD


So, finally I've build up some courage and... here is my first OOTD. I've been planing this for a while, but the weather wasn't on my side. Thankfully today, even if the sun didn't want to show himself, the weather was warm enough to take the photos. 

În sfârşit mi-am facut curaj şi azi vă voi prezenta primul meu OOTD. De ceva vreme am plănuit această mică şedinţă foto, însă vremea nu a fost de partea mea. Azi, deşi pănă am ieşit de la facultate soarele şi-a ascuns razele, vremea a fost destul de caldă pentru a putea face câteva poze.